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rails-destroy: Destroy a controller named Posts.
$ rails destroy controller ${Posts}
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The command "rails destroy controller ${Posts}" is an instruction used in Ruby on Rails framework to delete or remove a controller named "Posts".

Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "rails": This is the command-line tool used in Ruby on Rails to perform various tasks.
  • "destroy": It is a subcommand of the "rails" tool used to delete or remove certain resources from a Rails application.
  • "controller": This specifies that the resource being removed is a controller.
  • "${Posts}": This is a placeholder representing the name of the controller that needs to be destroyed. In this case, "${Posts}" suggests that the controller name is "Posts".

When the command is executed, it will search for the "Posts" controller in the Rails application and remove all related files and configurations associated with it. This includes removing the controller file itself, as well as the corresponding views, helper files, and route configurations.

It's important to note that this command should be used with caution as it is essentially irreversible unless you have appropriate backups or version control in place.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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