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rails-generate: Generate a new model named Post with attributes title and body.
$ rails generate model ${Post} ${title:string} ${body:text}
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This is a command used in Ruby on Rails to generate a model file with specific attributes for a Post.

  • rails generate model is a command used to generate a new model file in a Ruby on Rails application.
  • ${Post} represents the name of the model being created. In this case, it will generate a model file named "Post.rb".
  • ${title:string} represents an attribute of the Post model named "title" of type string. "title" is the name of the attribute, and "string" is the data type of the attribute. It indicates that the "title" attribute will store text or string values.
  • ${body:text} represents another attribute of the Post model named "body" of type text. "body" is the name of the attribute, and "text" is the data type of the attribute. It indicates that the "body" attribute will store larger bodies of text.

Overall, running this command will generate a new model file named "Post.rb" in your Rails application's "app/models" directory. This model will have two attributes - "title" of type string and "body" of type text.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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