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rails-generate: List all available generators.
$ rails generate
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The rails generate command is used in the Ruby on Rails framework to generate various components of a Rails application. It is a code generator that helps automate the creation of files, classes, and configurations.

When you run the rails generate command followed by a generator name and optional arguments, Rails performs specific tasks to create the desired component. Common generators include:

  1. rails generate model: Creates a new model class, along with its corresponding database migration file, to define the data structure and behavior of a specific table in the database.

  2. rails generate controller: Generates a new controller class, along with its related actions and views, to handle user requests and return responses.

  3. rails generate scaffold: Creates a fully functional CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interface, including a model, controller, views, and database migration, for a particular resource.

  4. rails generate migration: Generates a new database migration file that alters the database schema, allowing you to make changes to the database structure or add new tables, columns, or indexes.

The rails generate command saves developers time by automating repetitive tasks and following Rails conventions. It helps ensure consistency across the application and reduces human error when creating new components.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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