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rails-routes: List routes that map to a specified controller.
$ rails routes -c ${select}
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The command "rails routes -c ${select}" is a command used in Ruby on Rails applications to display the routes defined in the application's routes file. Here's a breakdown of the components of this command:

  1. "rails routes": This is the command that displays the application's defined routes. It reads the routes configuration file (config/routes.rb) in a Rails application and displays the routes along with their respective HTTP verbs, URL patterns, controller actions, etc.

  2. "-c ${select}": The "-c" option is used to filter the routes based on a specific controller. In this command, "${select}" is a placeholder for the name of the controller you want to filter the routes for. For example, if you wanted to see only the routes related to the "users" controller, you would replace "${select}" with "users". The command would then become "rails routes -c users", which will display only the routes associated with the "users" controller.

Overall, this command helps you view and analyze the routes defined in a Rails application and filter them by a specific controller if needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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