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rails: Open console to interact with application from command-line.
$ rails console
try on your machine

The command "rails console" is used in Ruby on Rails applications to open an interactive Ruby console within the application's environment. It provides a way to directly interact with the application's code and data in a command-line interface.

When you run "rails console" in your terminal, it loads the entire Rails environment, including all the models, controllers, and any other necessary libraries. This allows you to perform various tasks, such as querying the database, manipulating data, testing code snippets, or running custom scripts.

Once the console is open, you can execute Ruby code as you would in a regular Ruby console, but with the added benefit of having access to your Rails application's context. You can create new instances of models, execute methods on them, interact with the database, or call any other methods available in your Rails application.

For example, you could run something like:

user = User.first = "John"

This code snippet fetches the first user from the database, changes their name to "John", and saves the changes. These changes would persist in the database, just like they would if you made the same changes through the application's UI.

The "rails console" command is a powerful tool that allows developers to easily test and debug their application's code, play around with data, and quickly perform tasks without having to go through the full application's interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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