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railway: Open an interactive shell to a database.
$ railway connect
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The command "railway connect" is a command used in the context of the Railway CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. It is used to connect your local development environment with your Railway project.

When you run this command, it establishes a connection between your local machine and the remote development environment provided by Railway. This connection allows you to sync your local changes with the remote deployment environment effortlessly.

By connecting your local development environment to Railway, you can utilize various features such as deploying your project, syncing your code, running commands, managing environment variables, and accessing logs, among others.

Overall, the "railway connect" command facilitates the seamless integration between your local development environment and the Railway platform, enabling efficient collaboration and deployment of your project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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