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ranger: Launch ranger.
$ ranger
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The ranger command is used to launch the Ranger file manager in the terminal. Ranger is a lightweight and customizable file manager designed to be used primarily with a keyboard.

When you execute the ranger command, it opens a new terminal window or tab with Ranger displayed. It provides a two-pane interface, with the left pane showing the directory structure and the right pane displaying the contents of the currently selected directory.

You can navigate through directories using keyboard shortcuts such as arrow keys, and open files or directories by pressing Enter. Ranger also supports various other features like file previews, file operations (e.g., copy, move, delete), renaming files, creating directories, searching, bookmarking, and more.

Ranger is highly customizable, allowing you to configure its appearance, key bindings, and behavior according to your preferences by editing its configuration file.

Overall, the ranger command is a convenient way to manage and navigate your file system efficiently within a terminal environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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