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rar: Archive 1 or more files.
$ rar a ${path-to-archive_name-rar} ${filename1} ${filename2} ${filename3}
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This command is used to create a RAR archive file (.rar) containing multiple files. Here is a breakdown of the components:

  • rar: This is the command-line utility used to create and manipulate RAR archive files.

  • a: It is a parameter or option for the rar command that stands for "add files to archive." It instructs the utility to add the specified files to the archive.

  • ${path-to-archive_name-rar}: This is the path to the location where you want to create the RAR archive file. You should replace ${path-to-archive_name-rar} with the actual desired path, including the name of the archive file and the ".rar" extension.

  • ${filename1} ${filename2} ${filename3}: These are the filenames of the files you want to add to the archive. Replace ${filename1}, ${filename2}, and ${filename3} with the actual names of the files you wish to include in the archive.

In summary, this command will create a RAR archive file (at the specified path) that contains the files ${filename1}, ${filename2}, and ${filename3}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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