The sudo raspi-config command is a Linux command used on the Raspberry Pi operating system (Raspbian) to configure various settings and options on a Raspberry Pi board. It stands for "Raspberry Pi Configuration" and is typically used in the command-line interface (CLI).
When you execute sudo raspi-config, it launches a text-based menu-driven interface that allows you to access and change a wide range of system settings. Some of the common configurations that can be made through raspi-config include:
Expanding the file system: This option lets you expand the root file system to utilize the entire available space on the SD card.
Changing the user password: It allows you to modify the password for the default user "pi" for improved security.
Changing the hostname: It lets you set a custom name for your Raspberry Pi, which will be used for identifying your device on a network.
Enabling/Disabling interfaces: You can enable/disable various hardware interfaces like SSH, VNC, camera, I2C, SPI, etc., based on your requirements.
Setting the boot options: It allows you to choose whether the Raspberry Pi should boot to the command line (CLI) or the graphical user interface (GUI).
Overclocking: This option allows you to increase the CPU and GPU clock speeds to enhance performance, but it may result in higher power consumption and heat.
Localization options: You can configure the locale, time zone, keyboard layout, and Wi-Fi country settings.
These are just a few examples of the settings that can be modified using sudo raspi-config. It offers a user-friendly way to configure and customize your Raspberry Pi based on your specific needs and requirements.