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raspi-config: Start raspi-config.
$ sudo raspi-config
try on your machine

The sudo raspi-config command is a Linux command used on the Raspberry Pi operating system (Raspbian) to configure various settings and options on a Raspberry Pi board. It stands for "Raspberry Pi Configuration" and is typically used in the command-line interface (CLI).

When you execute sudo raspi-config, it launches a text-based menu-driven interface that allows you to access and change a wide range of system settings. Some of the common configurations that can be made through raspi-config include:

  1. Expanding the file system: This option lets you expand the root file system to utilize the entire available space on the SD card.

  2. Changing the user password: It allows you to modify the password for the default user "pi" for improved security.

  3. Changing the hostname: It lets you set a custom name for your Raspberry Pi, which will be used for identifying your device on a network.

  4. Enabling/Disabling interfaces: You can enable/disable various hardware interfaces like SSH, VNC, camera, I2C, SPI, etc., based on your requirements.

  5. Setting the boot options: It allows you to choose whether the Raspberry Pi should boot to the command line (CLI) or the graphical user interface (GUI).

  6. Overclocking: This option allows you to increase the CPU and GPU clock speeds to enhance performance, but it may result in higher power consumption and heat.

  7. Localization options: You can configure the locale, time zone, keyboard layout, and Wi-Fi country settings.

These are just a few examples of the settings that can be modified using sudo raspi-config. It offers a user-friendly way to configure and customize your Raspberry Pi based on your specific needs and requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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