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raspinfo: Display system information.
$ raspinfo
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The command "raspinfo" is a command-line utility specific to the Raspberry Pi operating system (Raspbian or Raspberry Pi OS). When executed in the terminal, the command "raspinfo" displays various system information about the Raspberry Pi device.

The output of the "raspinfo" command typically includes details such as:

  1. CPU information: It provides information about the processor model, clock speed, and voltage.
  2. Memory information: It displays the total amount of memory available on the device (both physical and virtual).
  3. Storage information: It shows details about the SD card or storage device being used, including its mount point and available space.
  4. Temperature: It reveals the current temperature of the CPU.
  5. GPU information: It provides information about the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), including the model and firmware version.
  6. Network information: It displays the IP address of the Raspberry Pi and information about its network interfaces.
  7. Uptime: It shows the time since the system last booted or was started.

By using the "raspinfo" command, users can quickly access and review crucial hardware and system information of their Raspberry Pi device without the need for graphical user interfaces.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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