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raw: Query an existing binding instead of setting a new one.
$ raw /dev/raw/raw${1}
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This command is using the raw utility to associate a raw character device with the specified block device.

Here is a breakdown of the command syntax and its components:

  • raw is the command/utility being executed.
  • /dev/raw/raw${1} refers to a special block device file in the Linux filesystem hierarchy. ${1} is a placeholder for the first argument passed to the command (e.g., if the command is executed with raw 0, the file path becomes /dev/raw/raw0).
    • In Linux, raw character devices are used to bypass the filesystem and perform direct I/O. They provide lower-level access to device I/O operations, allowing applications to bypass certain layers of the operating system and have more control over the data being read from or written to a block device.
    • /dev/raw/ is the directory where raw character devices are created by the system.

In summary, this command associates a raw character device file with a specified block device, enabling direct I/O access to the underlying device.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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