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rbac-lookup: View all RBAC bindings.
$ rbac-lookup
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The command "rbac-lookup" refers to a tool or script that helps in checking or verifying the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions of a user or a principal in a system.

RBAC is a security model that allows an organization to control and manage access to resources based on the roles assigned to individual users or groups. It determines what actions a user or principal can perform and which resources they can access.

The "rbac-lookup" command typically takes input parameters such as the user's or principal's name and the desired action or resource. It then queries the RBAC system or configuration to determine whether the user or principal has the necessary permissions to perform the specified action on the resource.

By using the "rbac-lookup" command, system administrators or developers can quickly and easily examine the RBAC configuration and verify whether a particular user or principal has the appropriate privileges and access rights. This helps in troubleshooting access issues, ensuring proper security controls, and managing user permissions effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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