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rbt: Display the diff that will be sent to Review Board.
$ rbt diff
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The command "rbt diff" is a command used in the context of review requests in the RBTools suite, which is a collection of command-line tools for interfacing with Review Board, a web-based code review tool.

The "rbt diff" command is used to generate and display a diff of the changes made in a local codebase compared to the target repository or branch specified in the review request. It analyzes the changes in your local workspace and creates a unified diff file that captures all the modifications. This diff can then be uploaded to Review Board for review.

When running the "rbt diff" command, you can provide various options to customize the diff generation process, such as specifying the target repository, branch, or commit, excluding certain files or directories, or including only specific files. You can also provide additional flags to control how the diff is displayed or created.

Overall, "rbt diff" is a command to generate and display a diff of the local code changes to aid in the code review process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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