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rc-status: List all runlevels.
$ rc-status --list
try on your machine

The command rc-status --list is used to list the status of various services in the OpenRC init system on a Linux system.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • rc-status: This is the main command, which is used to check the status of services managed by OpenRC.
  • --list: This option is used to specify that we want to list the status of services. Without this option, rc-status would provide a condensed summary of service status.

When you run rc-status --list, it will display a table that shows the status of each service. The table typically includes columns such as "Service", "Status", "Process", "Uptime", and "Description".

The "Service" column lists the names of the various services managed by OpenRC, such as network, sshd, cron, and so on. The "Status" column indicates whether a service is running, stopped, or in another state. The "Process" column provides the process ID (PID) of the service if it is running. The "Uptime" column displays how long the service has been running. Finally, the "Description" column contains a brief explanation of each service.

This command can be useful for troubleshooting, managing, and monitoring services on a Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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