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rc-status: Show a summary of services and their status.
$ rc-status
try on your machine

The "rc-status" command is a command-line tool used in certain Linux distributions, particularly Gentoo and its derivatives. It is used to display the status of system services managed by the OpenRC init system.

When you run the "rc-status" command, it shows you the status of all installed services on your system. It provides information about whether a service is currently running, stopped, or in a failed state. It also displays the runlevel that each service is assigned to, indicating whether it should be automatically started at system boot or not.

The output of the "rc-status" command typically consists of a table with columns representing the service name, its corresponding runlevel, and its current status. The status can be one of the following:

  • [Started]: Indicates that the service is currently running.
  • [Stopped]: Indicates that the service is not running.
  • [Failed]: Indicates that the service failed to start or encountered an error during its execution.

By examining the output of "rc-status," you can get an overview of which services are running or stopped on your system, making it useful for system administrators to diagnose any issues with services not functioning as expected.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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