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read: Use a specific character as a delimiter instead of a new line.
$ read -d ${new_delimiter} ${variable}
try on your machine

The read command in Linux is used to read a line from a file or the standard input and split it into fields. The -d option specifies the delimiter that will be used to split the input.

In the given command, ${new_delimiter} and ${variable} are variables. ${new_delimiter} represents the delimiter that will be used to split the input, and ${variable} represents the name of the variable where the input will be stored.

So, the command read -d ${new_delimiter} ${variable} reads a line from a file or the standard input and splits it into fields using ${new_delimiter} as the delimiter. The fields are then stored in the variable ${variable}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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