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realpath: Resolve ".." components before symlinks.
$ realpath --logical ${filename_or_directory}
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The realpath --logical command is used to obtain the absolute pathname of a file or directory, following symbolic links if any are present.

Here is an explanation of each element in the given command:

  • realpath is the main command. It resolves the given path name with all symbolic links resolved to their target locations.
  • --logical is an option that instructs realpath to follow symbolic links. By default, realpath resolves all symbolic links, so this option may not be necessary depending on the situation.
  • ${filename_or_directory} is a placeholder that represents the name of the file or directory for which we want to find the absolute pathname. You need to replace this placeholder with the actual name of the file or directory you want to target.

To use this command, you would typically run it in the command-line interface, replacing ${filename_or_directory} with the appropriate file or directory name. The command then returns the absolute pathname, which consists of the full path from the root directory to the specified file or directory, with symbolic links resolved.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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