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rector: Process a specific directory.
$ rector process ${path-to-directory}
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The command "rector process ${path-to-directory}" initiates a processing task using the "rector" tool with a specific directory path as input. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "rector": "rector" is a PHP code transformation and refactoring tool. It helps developers update their PHP codebase to newer versions of PHP, apply coding standards, and make mass changes to their code easily.
  • "process": It is a command provided by "rector" to perform the actual code transformation or refactoring process. The "process" command takes a directory as an argument to process all the PHP files within that directory and its subdirectories.
  • "${path-to-directory}": This is a placeholder representing the actual path to a directory containing PHP files that you want to process. You need to replace "${path-to-directory}" with the actual directory path on your system.

For example, if you want to process the PHP files in the directory "/var/www/my-project", you would run the command "rector process /var/www/my-project". Rector will go through all PHP files in the specified directory and apply the transformations or refactorings defined in its configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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