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rector: Process a directory and apply coding standards.
$ rector process ${path-to-directory} --with-style
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The command "rector process ${path-to-directory} --with-style" is likely part of the Rector tool's command-line interface.

Rector is a PHP code refactoring tool that helps automate the process of upgrading and modernizing your PHP codebase. It applies predefined rules or custom configurations to transform outdated PHP code into its modern counterpart.

In this command:

  • "rector" is the command to invoke the Rector tool.
  • "process" is a subcommand that instructs Rector to process the files in the specified directory.
  • "${path-to-directory}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the directory you want Rector to process. It should be the path to the directory containing the PHP code you want to refactor.
  • "--with-style" is an option or flag that specifies Rector to apply coding style fixes during the refactoring process. It ensures that after the refactoring, the code adheres to certain coding style guidelines or standards.

By executing this command, you will trigger Rector to analyze the PHP files in the specified directory and apply the predefined/refactor rules (or custom rules if configured) to upgrade the code. Additionally, it will apply coding style fixes to harmonize the code style within the refactored codebase.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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