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redis-benchmark: Run benchmark [q]uietly and only show query per seconds result.
$ redis-benchmark -q
try on your machine

The command redis-benchmark -q is used to run the Redis benchmarking tool in quiet mode.

redis-benchmark is a built-in Redis tool that allows you to measure the performance of a Redis server. It simulates different workloads and provides various metrics like throughput (requests per second), latency (response time), and more.

The -q option in the command enables quiet mode. In quiet mode, the benchmark tool doesn't print individual results for each operation. Instead, it only displays the final summary, which includes aggregated statistics like total requests processed, throughput, average latency, and percentage distribution of response times.

By running redis-benchmark -q, you can quickly measure the performance of your Redis server without being overwhelmed by excessive output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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