Return the length of a given Redis queue.
$ redis-cli ${password} -n ${database} llen ${queue}
try on your machine
This is a command for interacting with a Redis database using the Redis command-line interface (redis-cli). Here is the breakdown of the command: - redis-cli: invokes the Redis command-line interface
- ${password}: the password used to authenticate to the Redis instance (if it is password-protected)
- -n ${database}: specifies the database number to be selected (Redis supports multiple databases within a single instance – 0 is usually the default database)
- llen: a Redis command that returns the length of a list (queue) specified by the next argument
- ${queue}: the name of the list (queue) whose length is to be retrieved So, in summary, the command will authenticate to a Redis instance using a specified password (if required), select a specified database, and then return the length of a specified list (queue).
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.