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redshift: Turn on Redshift with a manually specified custom location.
$ redshift -l ${latitude}:${longitude}
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The command "redshift -l ${latitude}:${longitude}" is used to launch the Redshift program with a specific geographic location.

Redshift is a software that adjusts the color temperature of a display based on the time of day, aiming to reduce eye strain and promote better sleep quality. It makes the screen appear warmer during the nighttime and cooler during the daytime.

In this command, the "-l" option is used to specify the geographic location by providing the latitude and longitude values. The values ${latitude} and ${longitude} are variables that you need to replace with the actual latitude and longitude for your desired location.

For example, if you want to set the location to New York City, which has a latitude of 40.7128 and a longitude of -74.0060, you would use the command:

redshift -l 40.7128:-74.0060

This command will launch Redshift with the adjusted color temperature settings according to the time of day at the specified location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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