reflex: Compile and run Go application if any `.go` file changes.
$ reflex --regex='${\-go$}' ${go run -}
try on your machine
The command "reflex --regex='${-go$}' ${go run -}" executes the reflex tool with certain arguments, as follows:
- "reflex" is a command-line tool that triggers actions whenever files change within a directory.
- "--regex='${-go$}'" is an argument that specifies which files or patterns to observe for changes using regular expressions. In this case, it specifies that any file ending with "-go" should be observed.
- "${go run -}" is an argument that specifies the action to be taken when a change is detected. In this case, it executes the "go run -" command, which typically runs a Go program identified by the current directory.
So, the command is basically using reflex to monitor files matching the "-go" pattern and automatically runs the associated Go program whenever a change occurs.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.