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rename: display which renames would occur without performing them.
$ rename -vn ${foo} ${bar} ${*}
try on your machine

The command rename -vn ${foo} ${bar} ${*} is using the rename utility to rename multiple files or directories in a directory. Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • rename: It is the name of the utility used for renaming files.
  • -vn: These are options or flags provided to the rename utility.
    • The -v flag stands for verbose, which means it will display detailed output about the renaming process.
    • The -n flag stands for no-action, which means it will only show what changes will be made without actually renaming the files. It is useful for previewing the renaming operation before executing it.
  • ${foo}: It represents a variable named foo. The value of this variable is used as the search pattern for renaming files. When the command is executed, ${foo} would be replaced with the actual value stored in the variable.
  • ${bar}: It represents another variable named bar. The value of this variable is used as the replacement pattern for renaming files. Like ${foo}, ${bar} would be replaced with the actual value stored in the variable during command execution.
  • ${*}: This represents all the files or directories in the current directory. It is a special syntax that refers to all arguments passed to the command.

So, when you execute this command, the rename utility will search for files or directories that match the pattern in ${foo} and rename them by replacing that pattern with the value in ${bar}. The -vn options ensure that a preview of the renaming operation is shown without actually renaming the files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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