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rename: Replace `from` with `to` in the filenames of the specified files.
$ rename 's/${from}/${to}/' ${*-txt}
try on your machine

The provided command is using the 'rename' utility to rename files. Let me break it down for you:

  • 'rename' is a utility command available in various operating systems, including Linux. It is commonly used to rename multiple files simultaneously using regular expressions.

  • The syntax starts with 'rename' followed by an argument that specifies the pattern to match and replace in the filenames.

  • In this case, the pattern is 's/${from}/${to}/'. It uses regular expression syntax enclosed within single quotes. It is important to note that the command you provided contains variable references (${from} and ${to}) which may need to be replaced with actual values.

  • The 's' in the pattern represents the substitution operator, indicating that the command is meant to perform replacements.

  • '${from}' and '${to}' are placeholders for the values you want to replace. For example, if you want to replace a specific word or string in the filenames, you would replace '${from}' with that value, and '${to}' with the replacement value.

  • Lastly, '${-txt}' is an argument that specifies the files to be renamed. The '' character is a wildcard, so this argument selects all files with the '.txt' extension. You can modify this argument to suit your specific renaming needs.

To summarize, the command is using the 'rename' utility with a pattern that performs a substitution in filenames selected by the '*-txt' argument. Remember to replace '${from}' and '${to}' with your desired values before executing the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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