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repquota: Report quota stats for all users, even those who aren't using any of their quota.
$ sudo repquota -v ${filesystem}
try on your machine

The command "sudo repquota -v ${filesystem}" is used to display disk usage and limits for user and group quotas on a specified filesystem. Here is an explanation of each part:

  • "sudo": It is a command that allows a user to execute a command with superuser privileges. The "sudo" command must be executed by a user with administrative rights.

  • "repquota": It is a command that generates a report of user and group quotas for a specified filesystem. It retrieves information from the quota database maintained by the quota system.

  • "-v": It is an option used with the "repquota" command to display the report in a verbose or detailed format. This provides additional information such as usage and limits for each user and group.

  • "${filesystem}": This is a placeholder for the name of the filesystem on which you want to retrieve quota information. You need to replace "${filesystem}" with the actual name of the filesystem, such as "/", "/home", or any other filesystem mounted on your system.

By running this command with proper administrative privileges and specifying the correct filesystem name, you can see a detailed report showing disk usage and quota information for users and groups on that filesystem.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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