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reset: Display the terminal type instead.
$ reset -q
try on your machine

The command "reset -q" is used to reset the terminal or console to its default settings without displaying any output or messages.

The "-q" option stands for "quiet" or "silent" which suppresses any output or notifications produced by the reset command. This means that when you use "reset -q", you won't see any message or feedback on the screen indicating that the terminal has been reset.

The reset command is often used when the terminal settings or display becomes corrupted or behaves unexpectedly. It restores the terminal to a known state, clearing any unusual display characters or settings, and provides a fresh starting point for interacting with the terminal.

While the reset command is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD, its behavior and available options may vary slightly depending on the specific implementation or command shell being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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