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resume: Validate a `resume.json` against schema tests to ensure it complies with the standard.
$ resume validate
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The command "resume validate" typically refers to a function or feature within a software application related to the validation of a resume or curriculum vitae (CV).

In this context, "resume" refers to a document that contains an individual's educational background, work experience, skills, and other relevant information for job applications. "Validate" means to verify or check the accuracy, completeness, and conformity of the resume against specific criteria or standards.

When executing the command "resume validate," the software application will likely analyze the resume and perform various checks, such as checking for any missing or incomplete sections, ensuring proper formatting, validating the presence of key information, and verifying if the resume aligns with certain guidelines or expectations (e.g., regarding length, structure, or industry-specific requirements).

The outcome of the validation process might be presented as a report or feedback, highlighting any detected issues or areas for improvement. By using this command, users can assess and enhance the quality and effectiveness of their resumes, enhancing their chances of success in their job search endeavors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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