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resume: Start a web server that serves a local `resume.json`.
$ resume serve
try on your machine

The command "resume serve" is typically used in the context of software development and web servers. It is a command that resumes or restarts the process of serving a website or application.

When a web server is running, it is continuously serving or delivering web pages and content to clients (users or other systems). However, sometimes there might be a need to pause or temporarily stop the server's operation. This could be due to the need for maintenance, updates, or resolving issues.

Once the server is paused, the "resume serve" command can be used to restart the serving process. It tells the server to resume its operation and start accepting and responding to incoming requests again. By executing this command, the server will begin serving web pages and content as it did before the pause.

Overall, "resume serve" is a command used to restart a web server's serving process after a temporary pause.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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