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rfetch: Display Linux [D]istro.
$ rfetch -D
try on your machine

The command "rfetch -D" is likely a command for a particular software or tool called "rfetch" with an option flag "-D".

However, without more context or information about the specific software or tool "rfetch" and its available options, it is difficult to provide an accurate explanation of what the command does.

In general, option flags like "-D" in command-line tools serve different purposes depending on the tool. They can modify the behavior of the tool, enable debugging or verbose output, or specify additional parameters or settings. Therefore, to understand the exact functionality of the "rfetch -D" command, you would need to consult the documentation or help resources specific to the "rfetch" tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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