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rfetch: Display system information.
$ rfetch
try on your machine

The "rfetch" command is a custom script/tool used to fetch and display information about your system in a visually appealing way. It provides a compact summary of various details like your operating system, hardware specifications, kernel version, uptime, and other relevant information.

When executed, the "rfetch" command collects system information by querying different commands/utilities that provide specific details. For example, it might use commands like "lsb_release" (to get distribution information), "uname -r" (to fetch the kernel version), "lscpu" (to display CPU details), "free -h" (to show memory usage), and so on.

This command can be particularly useful for users who want to quickly check their system specifications or provide a system summary when seeking help or support. It saves the effort of manually running multiple commands and combines the output into a concise and attractive format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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