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rg: Search for a regular expression in files matching a glob (e.g. `README.*`).
$ rg ${regular_expression} --glob ${glob}
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The command "rg" is a command-line tool that stands for "ripgrep." It is used for searching files and directories with regular expressions.

In the given command, the regular expression (regex) is denoted by "${regular_expression}". A regular expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. It is used to search, match, and manipulate text-based data.

The "--glob" flag is used to specify the file or directory patterns to include or exclude from the search. The expression "${glob}" represents the pattern that the "--glob" flag should follow. The glob pattern is similar to a regular expression but has a simpler syntax and is primarily used for file matching. It allows for wildcard characters to match multiple files or directories with similar names.

So, when executing the command "rg ${regular_expression} --glob ${glob}", it will search for the regular expression pattern specified by "${regular_expression}" in the files or directories defined by the "--glob" flag and "${glob}" pattern.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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