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rgpt: Get a more detailed verbose output from `rgpt` while reviewing the code.
$ rgpt --v --i "$(git diff ${filename})"
try on your machine

The command "rgpt --v --i "$(git diff ${filename})"" performs the following actions:

  • "rgpt" is a command-line tool that is being executed.
  • "--v" is a flag or option that stands for "verbose" mode. It means that the command will display more detailed output.
  • "--i" is another flag that stands for "input". It indicates that the following argument is the input for the command.
  • "$(git diff ${filename})" is a command substitution enclosed within $(), which means that it will be replaced by the output of the command contained within it. In this case, it executes the "git diff" command with the specified ${filename} as an argument. The "git diff" command shows the changes made to the specified file compared to the last commit. So, "$(git diff ${filename})" represents the changes made to the file ${filename} since the last commit.

Therefore, this command is likely used to execute "rgpt" on the changes made to a specific file since the last commit, displaying verbose output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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