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rip: Permanently delete every file and directory in the graveyard.
$ rip --decompose
try on your machine

The command "rip --decompose" is used to decompose a video file into its elementary audio and video streams. It is often used in multimedia processing or when extracting specific elements from a video file.

When you execute the command "rip --decompose" followed by the name of the video file, it instructs the software to analyze the video file and split it into separate audio and video streams. This process is referred to as decomposition.

Decomposing the video file extracts the audio stream, which includes any dialogue, sound effects, or music, and saves it as an individual audio file. Similarly, the video stream, which contains frames that make up the visual content of the video, is saved as an individual video file.

This command can be useful in scenarios where you only want to work with the audio or video portion of a video file separately. It allows for further editing, processing, or modification of the extracted streams independently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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