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rmlint: Mark files at lower path [d]epth as originals.
$ rmlint --rank-by=${d} ${path-to-directory}
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The command "rmlint --rank-by=${d} ${path-to-directory}" is used to run the rmlint tool with certain parameters.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "rmlint" is the name of the tool or program being executed.
  • "--rank-by=${d}" is an option or flag provided to the rmlint tool. The value "${d}" represents a variable that can take different values. The exact meaning of "${d}" depends on the tool and its usage. In this case, it is likely that "${d}" represents a specific ranking criteria or attribute for the rmlint tool to use. By specifying this option, the rmlint tool will rank the results based on the provided criteria.
  • "${path-to-directory}" is another variable that represents the path or directory on which the rmlint tool should operate. This is the directory where the rmlint tool will perform its operations, such as finding and removing duplicate or redundant files.

Overall, this command runs the rmlint tool with a specific ranking criteria and on a specified directory to perform file cleanup or deduplication tasks based on the given criteria.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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