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rofi: Switch between windows.
$ rofi -show window
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The command "rofi -show window" is used to display a window-switcher menu provided by the Rofi application.

Rofi is a window switcher, application launcher, and dmenu replacement for X11. It allows users to quickly switch between open windows or applications using a simple and efficient interface.

The "-show window" option specifies that the menu should display a list of open windows, allowing the user to select one to switch to. Running this command opens the Rofi window-switcher menu, where the user can navigate through the list of open windows and choose the desired one.

Overall, this command is handy for improving productivity by providing a convenient way to switch between different windows or applications on the X11 display server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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