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rolldice: Roll two six sided dice and drop the lowest roll.
$ rolldice ${2}d${6}s${1}
try on your machine

This command is likely used in a role-playing game or any situation where you need to roll dice.

  • "rolldice" is a keyword or the name of a function that initiates a dice roll.
  • "${2}" represents the number of dice to roll. In this case, it's 2, so you will roll two dice.
  • "d" is a separator indicating that you're specifying the total number of sides on each die ('d' stands for 'dice').
  • "${6}" indicates that each die has 6 sides, as indicated by the number 6.
  • "s" is another separator used to specify additional options for the dice roll.
  • "${1}" indicates that you want to sum up the roll results and display only the single highest value rolled. In other words, you want to select the maximum value rolled.

To summarize, the command "rolldice ${2}d${6}s${1}" instructs the program to roll two six-sided dice and return the highest value rolled.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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