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rpcclient: Display domain users.
$ rpcclient $> enumdomusers
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The command "rpcclient $> enumdomusers" is used to execute an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) function called "enumdomusers" in the rpcclient tool.

The rpcclient tool is a utility used to perform remote procedure calls on Microsoft Windows systems. It allows users to interact with remote systems, specifically Windows servers, using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

In this particular command, the "enumdomusers" RPC function is being invoked, which stands for "enumerate domain users." This function retrieves a list of user accounts present in the domain that the rpcclient is connected to.

Upon executing the command, the rpcclient tool will establish a connection to the specified Windows server and request the list of domain users. The server will respond by providing the requested information, which will be displayed in the console output.

This command can be helpful in situations where you need to quickly retrieve a list of users in a Windows domain, either for auditing purposes or to perform specific administrative tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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