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rpm-ostree: Reboot into the previous ostree deployment.
$ rpm-ostree rollback --reboot
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The command "rpm-ostree rollback --reboot" is used to rollback or revert to a previous version of an operating system tree (OSTree) deployment on a system running rpm-ostree. This command has the additional "--reboot" flag, which indicates that the system should be rebooted after the rollback process is completed.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "rpm-ostree": It refers to the rpm-ostree tool, which is a package manager for composing and managing system immutable deployments using OSTree technology. It is commonly used in OSTree-based Linux distributions like Fedora Silverblue.

  • "rollback": This is the action being performed by the command. It instructs rpm-ostree to revert the system to a previous version of the operating system tree. This means that any changes or updates made after the selected version will be undone.

  • "--reboot": This flag is used to indicate that the system should be rebooted once the rollback process is complete. Rebooting is necessary to apply the changes made during the rollback and ensure that the system operates with the reverted version.

To summarize, the command "rpm-ostree rollback --reboot" is used to roll back the system to a previous version of the operating system tree and then automatically reboot the system to apply the changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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