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rpm-ostree: Show packages which are outdated and can be updated.
$ rpm-ostree upgrade --preview
try on your machine

The command "rpm-ostree upgrade --preview" is used in systems that use the rpm-ostree tool for managing packages and performing upgrades.

  • "rpm-ostree" is the main command-line tool for managing RPM-based OSTree deployments. OSTree is a system for immutable operating system deployments, where the operating system is treated as a whole, and updates are applied as atomic changesets.

  • "upgrade" is a subcommand of "rpm-ostree" that allows you to upgrade the operating system to a new version or apply updates. It downloads and installs the updated changesets that contain the latest versions of packages.

  • "--preview" is an optional flag that you can provide to the command. When using this flag, the upgrade process will show you a preview of what changes will be made before actually applying them. It lists the new packages that will be installed, the removed packages, and any updates to existing packages.

By executing "rpm-ostree upgrade --preview", you can assess the impact of upgrading or applying updates to your system without actually making any changes. This helps you review the potential modifications and decide whether to proceed with the upgrade or not.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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