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rpm: Identify owner of a file and show version of the package.
$ rpm --query --file ${-etc-postfix-main-cf}
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The command "rpm --query --file ${-etc-postfix-main-cf}" is used to query the rpm database for the package that owns a specific file, in this case, "-etc-postfix-main-cf". Let's break down the command:

  • "rpm": It is a command-line tool in Linux used to manage RPM packages.
  • "--query": This option is used to query information about installed packages.
  • "--file": This option is used to specify the file to search in the rpm database and find out which package it belongs to.
  • "${-etc-postfix-main-cf}": It represents the file name or path you want to search. In this case, it seems like it is meant to be a placeholder, as "${-etc-postfix-main-cf}" doesn't provide a valid filename or path.

To use this command correctly, you need to replace "${-etc-postfix-main-cf}" with the actual file name or path you want to search. It should look something like this:

rpm --query --file /etc/postfix/

This modified command will search the rpm database for the package that owns the file "" located in the "/etc/postfix/" directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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