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rpmspec: Get summary information for single binary packages generated from a rpm spec file.
$ rpmspec --query --queryformat "${%{name}: %{summary}\n}" ${path-to-rpm-spec}
try on your machine

This command is used to query the summary information of an RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) spec file. Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • rpmspec is the command-line tool that is used to retrieve information from an RPM spec file.
  • --query is the argument that tells rpmspec to perform a query operation on the RPM spec file.
  • --queryformat is an argument used to specify the format in which the query results should be displayed.
  • "${%{name}: %{summary}\n}" is the format string used to define the output format. It specifies that for each package, the name and summary should be displayed, followed by a line break ("\n").
    • %{name} is a placeholder that will be replaced by the package name.
    • %{summary} is another placeholder that will be replaced by the package summary. The summary typically provides a brief description of the package.
  • ${path-to-rpm-spec} is the path to the specific RPM spec file to be queried. It needs to be replaced with the actual path to the file.

Overall, this command takes an RPM spec file as input and extracts the name and summary information for each package defined in the spec file, displaying it in the specified format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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