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rr: Replay latest recorded execution.
$ rr replay
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The "rr replay" command refers to the usage of the "rr" (Record and Replay) debugging tool. "rr" allows the recording and replaying of program executions to aid in debugging and reproducing bugs.

When you execute the "rr replay" command, it replays a previously recorded execution of the program. This means it re-executes the program, reproducing the exact sequence of events that occurred during the recording.

By replaying the execution, developers can observe exactly what happened during a bug or error, step through the program's execution, and analyze its behavior. This can be particularly useful for debugging elusive or hard-to-reproduce issues, as developers can repeatedly replay the execution to analyze and understand the problem.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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