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rscript: Execute one or more R expressions.
$ Rscript -e ${expression1} -e ${expression2}
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This command is used to execute R (programming language) code from the command line. Here is the breakdown of this command:

  • Rscript: This is the command-line executable for running R scripts.
  • -e: This flag specifies that an expression should be executed.
  • ${expression1} and ${expression2}: These are variables representing R expressions that will be executed.

In other words, when you run this command, Rscript will execute the two provided expressions (${expression1} and ${expression2}) sequentially. These expressions can be any valid R code, including calculations, data manipulation, function calls, etc.

For example, if you have the following R expressions:

  • Expression 1: print("Hello, world!")
  • Expression 2: x <- 2 + 3

The command Rscript -e 'print("Hello, world!")' -e 'x <- 2 + 3' will execute these expressions one after the other. The output will be the printed message "Hello, world!" and the variable x will be assigned the value 5 in the R environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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