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rspec: Run all tests.
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RSpec is a testing framework for the Ruby programming language. It provides a way to write automated tests for Ruby applications. The "rspec" command is used to run these tests.

When you run the "rspec" command from the command line, it looks for files with names ending in "_spec.rb" in the "spec" directory of your project. These files contain the test code written using the RSpec syntax.

RSpec follows a behavior-driven development (BDD) approach to testing. It allows you to describe the expected behavior of your code in a human-readable format using its domain-specific language (DSL). You can specify different contexts, define example groups (also known as "describe" blocks), and write individual test cases (also known as "it" blocks) within those groups.

Running the "rspec" command initiates the RSpec runner, which collects and executes the test files. It provides feedback on whether the tests pass or fail, and also shows detailed information about failures, including error messages and stack traces.

Overall, the "rspec" command is used to execute tests written using the RSpec framework, helping developers ensure that their code behaves as expected by verifying its functionality.

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