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rtorrent: Close rtorrent safely.
$ Q
try on your machine

The command "Q" is a keyboard shortcut that refers to pressing the "Control" key (Ctrl) on your keyboard and simultaneously pressing the "Q" key. The exact function of this command can vary depending on the context, but in many applications and operating systems, "Q" is commonly used to perform the following actions:

  1. Quit/Exit: In certain programs or software, pressing "Q" can be used to exit the application or close the window.

  2. Resume/Continue: In some cases, "Q" is used to resume or continue a paused or halted process. For example, if a program is paused or suspended, pressing this command can make it start running again.

  3. Terminal Emulators: In terminal emulators or console-based applications, "Q" is often used to send the Control-Q code to the system, which typically resumes the output scrolling after it has been paused using "S".

It's important to note that the exact behavior of "Q" can vary based on the program or operating system you are using. Additionally, some applications allow users to customize keyboard shortcuts, so the command may differ depending on individual settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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