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rubocop: Auto-correct files (experimental).
$ rubocop --auto-correct
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The command "rubocop --auto-correct" is used to automatically correct coding style and maintain consistency in Ruby code.

RuboCop is a popular open-source Ruby static code analyzer and code formatter. It detects common code quality issues, follows community-driven Ruby style guidelines, and suggests improvements to adhere to the best practices.

The "--auto-correct" flag tells RuboCop to automatically fix the detected issues or style violations. When this flag is used, RuboCop will automatically modify the code files to align with the recommended style guidelines. It can make changes like adjusting indentation, adding/removing whitespace, rearranging code structure, updating method/class naming, and so on.

By running "rubocop --auto-correct" on a Ruby project, RuboCop will analyze the codebase and make changes directly to the files to improve code quality and maintain consistency. It can save a significant amount of time by automatically applying the suggested improvements instead of manually fixing each issue one by one.

However, it is important to review the changes made by RuboCop after running the auto-correction to ensure the modifications align with your project requirements and do not introduce any unintended side effects.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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