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rubocop: View list of cops (linter rules).
$ rubocop --show-cops
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The command "rubocop --show-cops" is used to display the list of available cops (linting rules) that can be enabled or disabled in the RuboCop tool.

RuboCop is a static code analysis tool for the Ruby programming language that helps in identifying and enforcing a set of coding style guidelines and best practices. It uses a collection of individual cops, each of which checks for a specific style violation or potential problem in the code.

By running the "rubocop --show-cops" command, RuboCop will display the comprehensive list of available cops along with their respective names and descriptions. This allows you to see all the available rules that RuboCop can enforce for consistent and maintainable Ruby code.

The output provided by this command typically consists of the cop's name and a brief description of what it checks for. It helps you understand the various aspects of the code that RuboCop can analyze and the corresponding enforcement rules that can be enabled or disabled.

By using this command, you can have a better understanding of the linting rules enforced by RuboCop and customize its behavior based on your project's requirements and coding standards.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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