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ruby: Check for syntax errors on a given Ruby script.
$ ruby -c ${script-rb}
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The command ruby -c ${script-rb} is used to perform a syntax check on a Ruby script file. Here's what each component of the command means:

  • ruby: This is the command-line interpreter for the Ruby programming language.
  • -c: This flag tells the Ruby interpreter to perform a syntax check on the specified script file instead of executing it. It checks for any syntax errors or typos in the code.
  • ${script-rb}: This is a placeholder for the actual name or path of the Ruby script file you want to check. You need to replace ${script-rb} with the actual name or path of the file.

Overall, running this command will check the syntax of the specified Ruby script file and provide feedback on whether it is syntactically correct or if there are any errors that need to be fixed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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