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run-mailcap: In simple language.
$ run-mailcap --action=ACTION ${filename}
try on your machine

The run-mailcap command is used to determine the appropriate action to be taken for a specific file based on its content type. The command is usually used in conjunction with email programs or web browsers to handle various file types.

In the command you provided, --action=ACTION is an option parameter that specifies the desired action to be performed on the file. You need to replace ACTION with the actual action you want to take, such as "view", "edit", "open", etc. This option is used to control how the file is handled.

${filename} is a placeholder that represents the file for which you want to determine the appropriate action. You should replace ${filename} with the actual file you want to process, including its path if necessary.

Overall, the command run-mailcap --action=ACTION ${filename} is used to execute the appropriate action based on the content type of a file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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